Which came first, Lemonade or Iced Tea?


And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Psst, hey, smarty pants, summer is here. And it’s another beautiful sunny day in Smartyville. The birds are tweeting. The breeze is breezing. And the water balloons are finding their unsuspecting targets.

You know what? On a hot summer day, I don’t even mind getting a little wet. In fact, I’ve been strolling around town for a while. I could use something cool and refreshing. No, not being pelted with more water balloons.

I was thinking about something to drink. So, smarty pants, what’s a good drink on a hot summer day? Yep, there’s water. You should definitely drink lots of water. Of course, I prefer mine from a glass or a bottle, as opposed to from a balloon.

But besides water, there’s another summertime beverage that many people enjoy. Lemonade. Get your ice cold lemonade here. Just 50 cents a cup. Ooh, my neighbor’s daughter Lizzy has set up a lemonade stand.

Hey, trusty, care for some lemonade? Absolutely. Here you go. Thanks, Lizzy. Oh, yeah, that hit the spot, smarty pants. It’s hard to argue anything comes close to the cool sweet taste of lemonade on a hot summer day.

Hold it right there. I thought I told you to stay away from here. Who? Me? I live on this block. No, not you, trusty. Her. I heard you say it, Bryce. But like I told you, this is my territory. We’ll see about that.

Here, drink this. Uh, sorry, I don’t take drinks from strangers. Then let me introduce myself. The name’s T, Bryce T. Bryce runs the iced tea stand across the street. Iced tea stand? Oh, wow. How have I never noticed that before?

You usually have your head down mumbling into your phone. That’s not mumbling. I’m responding to emails from the Smarty Pants. Anywho, since you’re no longer a stranger and I’m still quite thirsty, maybe I will take you up on your drink offer.

Ah, that was delicious, too. Told you. Smarty Pants, it looks like we have two tasty contenders for best summertime drink to beat the heat. Lemonade and iced tea. I don’t know. This town might not be big enough for the two of us.

In that case, pack your tea bags, buddy. I was here first. Uh, actually, there’s a long line at both of your stands. I think there’s plenty of room for the both of you. Uh-uh, trusty. I’m the queen of quench.

Not too tart, not too sweet. Pfft! Please! I pity the fool who messes with tea. Oh, boy. This is turning into an epic showdown, smarty pants. So what do you think? Which drink truly rules the summer?

Lemonade or iced tea? Which came first? Which one is better for you? And is there enough room for both of them? It’s time for a whiff of history and a sip of science on… Who’s smart and… Who’s smarted?

Who’s smart? Is it you? Is it me? Is it science or history? Listen up! Everyone, we make smarty lots of fun! Pfft! Hey, smarty families. In particular, the parents and adults listening. If there’s one thing we all have in common, it’s navigating the world of money.

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Like a recent episode I heard about a couple that was constantly in debt because one of them couldn’t stop spending money and avoided talking about it. Ramit approaches each situation without judgment, but rather with good, solid advice on how to educate yourself about money and build better financial habits.

Oh, and Ramit! even offers amazing tips on how to educate your kids about healthy money habits. So search for Money for Couples wherever you’re listening to Who Smarted and start building your rich life today.

Hey, smarty pants. So it seems we’ve got an old-fashioned standoff between iced tea and lemonade. There shouldn’t even be a standoff. What’s the matter, lemonade? Are you yellow? I mean, lemonade is kind of yellowy, but sort of a dull yellow.

Except for pink lemonade, of course. Zip it, trusty. No, you zip it, tea. This is my territory. I got here first. Hmm, smarty pants. What do you think? Which drink came first, lemonade or iced tea? If you said iced tea, you’re wrong.

Lemonade’s the older beverage. Hmm, told ya. An early version of lemonade appeared in Jewish communities within Cairo, Egypt, over 1,000 years ago. From there, lemonade traveled to places like Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Greece, Austria, and Italy.

And by the 1600s, lemonade made a big splash in France. People there would walk around, selling lemonade from tanks attached to their backs. It was incredibly popular and may have saved people’s lives.

Seriously, lemonade is a lifesaver? You bet. While the people living in Paris were sipping on their lemonade, people in other parts of France were getting sick from a plague known as the Black Death.

It’s true, smarty pants. Can you guess why some historians believe lemonade may have saved the people of Paris? Is it because A, lemon acid destroys bacteria in water? B, lemon peels kill fleas? Or C, lemonade has a healthy dose of vitamin C to fight disease?

Well, while lemonade might contain vitamin C, there’s usually not a lot of it. The answer is actually B. Because lemonade was so popular in Paris during the 1600s, there were tons of lemon peels in the garbage all around the city.

Those peels contained a chemical that is a natural flea killer. Which is a good thing because back then, fleas were spreading the plague. So, the Parisians didn’t get sick, and historians believe their love of lemonade kept them alive.

Cool story, bro. But wait, it’s not over. In the 1800s, lemonade came to America, where it was sold as an alternative to alcohol. And kids like me were the ones selling it by the glass at lemonade stands.

And all this happened before most people even had the first sip of iced tea. Oh, give me a break. After water, tea is the most popular. popular drink in the entire world. And tea has been around for over 4,000 years.

Sorry, Lizzie Lemonade, but tea is much older than lemonade. Nice try, Bryce. Hot tea was around that long, but do you really want a cup of hot tea on a scorching day? Your chili version didn’t become popular until way after my lemonade was a big hit.

OK, OK, settle down, you two. Smarty Pants, is what Lizzie is saying true? Why, yes, yes it is. But let’s just back up a second. Smarty Pants, what ingredient do you suppose needed to be invented to make iced tea possible?

Was it A, teabags, B, black tea, or C, ice? The answer is C, ice. Wait, that’s crazy talk. What do you mean, ice needed to be invented? Ice has been around billions of years. Remember the ice age? Yes, Bryce tea, ice did exist, but freezers did not.

For most of history, if you didn’t live in a cold part of the world, you didn’t have ice. And if you did have cold winters, you weren’t using the ice and snow from outside to chill your tea. But that changed in the 1800s, when Americans found ways to ship ice all over the world.

A version of iced tea began to appear around then, but it was not a drink for everyone. Why not? Because most times it contained alcohol. But that all changed in 1904, when a non-alcoholic version of iced tea was introduced at the World’s Fair in St.

Louis, Missouri. And from there, everyone began to drink it up. Exactly. And 15 years later, when alcohol was banned in America during an era known as prohibition, ice tea became even more popular. Wait, I thought you said people drank lemonade as an alternative to alcohol.

They did in the late 1800s, but when alcohol was actually outlawed starting in 1920, people turned to iced tea as the drink of choice. And they haven’t looked back. In fact, in the US alone, over three quarters of all the tea people drink is iced.

And billions of gallons of iced tea is consumed worldwide every year. Big deal. People around the world drink billions of gallons of lemonade each year, too. Speaking of, there’s lots of people here looking for iced tea and lemonade.

Maybe you should just call a truce and… Shh! So, it seems we’re both quite popular. But tell me, Miss Lemonade, which one of our drinks is better for these folks? Well, if you listen to trustees who smarted episode on lemons and limes, you know that lemons have vitamins and compounds that protect your body.

And lemonade is made with lemons! Actually, lemon juice. And because it’s so acidic, there’s not much in there. It’s mostly water, and a lot of sweetener, usually sugar. Truth be told, It’s not the healthiest drink.

On the other hand, iced tea is made by soaking tea leaves that come in those cute little tea bags. And tea has a ton of antioxidants that fight disease. Very true. And even though many iced teas are also made with sugar, especially the kind you find in stores, iced tea can be healthier simply because you can make unsweetened versions.

Aha! But many times, both lemonade and iced tea are equally unhealthy thanks to a large amount of sugar. Oh. Fine. We’ll settle this the old-fashioned way with a duel. You’re on. Really? Come on. There’s got to be enough room in this town for both of you.

Lizzy lemonade? Rice tea? It’s a long, hot summer. There’s a lot of thirsty mouths to feed. Sorry, but this doesn’t concern you trusty. Yeah, stay out of it trusty. Oh boy I guess we’ll settle this once and for all right after this quick break and a word from our sponsors Hey there who’s smarted fans if you love exciting adventures Magical worlds and stories that spark your imagination and you are going to love the Storyland podcast I’m Seth the creator of Storyland a podcast where kids like you can dive into Incredible stories filled with wonder mystery and a whole lot of fun from rocket powered vans and enchanted forests to talking animals and time Traveling adventures.

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Win back your evenings. Listen to Koala Moon now wherever you get your podcasts. Now back to Who Smarted. So smarty pants, do you like lemonade or iced tea better? Or maybe you like them both at different times, for different reasons.

But here’s another question for you. Do you know what kind of iced tea or lemonade you prefer? For example, iced tea is usually made with black tea, but you can also have iced green tea, oolong tea, white tea, and herbal teas.

Plus you can add fruits to it, just like you can with lemonade. And of course lemonade famously comes in two colors, yellowish and pink. What’s with the pink stuff anyways? Lemons aren’t pink. Funny story about that.

Actually, two funny stories both from the same type of place. Smarty Pants, according to legend, where was Pink Lemonade invented? Was it A, the circus, B, the ballpark, or C, the beach? The answer is A, the circus.

In one story, a circus worker accidentally dropped some red cinnamon candies into a vat of lemonade, turning it pink. He sold it anyway, and people loved it. The other story is, well, kind of icky. Maybe I shouldn’t say it.

No, no, you have to say it. Fine. So the story goes, a person selling lemonade ran out, so he quickly made more, using water that had turned pink for washing a circus performer’s dirty pink-colored tights.

Instead of throwing it out, he calls the drink Strawberry Lemonade, and people love it. The rest is history. That is beyond disgusting. Don’t worry, Smarty Pants, Pink Lemonade isn’t made either of those ways these days.

It’s just regular lemonade with coloring, usually from a fruit, like a little bit of grape juice or red food dye. And no matter what color it is, lemonade is still better than iced tea. Says you. I say it’s time to settle the summertime drink feud with a duel.

Are you sure? Yes, Trusty. We must decide who rules this town. Agreed. I’ve got a super soaker filled with iced tea. And I’ve got one filled with lemonade. Trusty, count us down from three. Okay, here goes.

Three, two, one. Gotcha! And I got you! Yeah, this didn’t really solve anything. Another event to get us both sticky and wet. Maybe so, but I gotta say, some lemonade and iced tea splashed into my cup and…

Ah, I gotta say, these two great tastes taste great together. Really? Really? Oh, yeah. In fact, it’s actually a popular mix. Some people call it swamp water, others call it a half and half, but a lot of people know it as the name of a famous golfer who drank it at the golf course.

Smarty Pants, any idea what the name shared by this golfer and drink is? Is it A, Tiger Woods, B, an Arnold Palmer, or C, a Happy Gilmore? If you said Arnold Palmer, you’re right. So, next time you’re feeling thirsty, try asking for an Arnold Palmer and enjoy a mix of lemonade and iced tea, which just might be the perfect summertime drink.

If there’s room in the same glass for each of our drinks, then there’s gotta be room in the same town for both of us, too. There’s certainly enough customers for the both of you. Looks like we better get back to work, then.

Good luck, lemonade. And good luck to you, iced tea. And there you have it, Smarty Pants. The feud over summertime drinks has turned into a friendly rivalry. You couldn’t ask for a happier ending. I will say, all this talking has made me thirsty again.

Would you like some lemonade? Or some iced tea? Umm… Do you love Who Smarted but don’t love all the ads? We get it, but we also need the ads to pay for the show. However, there is a way you can listen to Who Smarted without any ads while still supporting us.

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Ava wrote us the best message, saying she listens to Who Smarted every day and loves shouting out all the answers. She also loves being called a smarty pants and thinks the trusty narrator is super funny.

Aw, thanks Ava. We think you’re pretty awesome too. Thanks for smarting with us. Thank you so much for watching. We’ll see you next time.
