How are Pickles made?

Psst, hey, smarty pants, real talk here. Most of us would love to eat candy, chips, and pizza all the time. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. But we’d also like to, you know, not get tummy aches or cavities out.
In other words, we need the food that we eat to make us feel good, give us lots of energy, and keep us feeling healthy. And I think we all know what that means. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Right, eat your fruits and vegetables.
Health experts say you should have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Pummer, right? No way. Fortunately for you, fruits and veggies are anything but bland. You have appetizing apples, succulent strawberries, tasty tomatoes, and crunchy carrots.
Meep. What’s up, guys? You might enjoy your bananas ripe, your broccoli steamed, and your corn, well, corny. Best of all, there’s one healthy food that a lot of people like as much as any snack. You can have it in a salad or on a hamburger.
You might even relish it as relish. Ooh. Is it a fruit or a vegetable? We’re about to find out. Give it up for our next guest, the one and only Cucumber. Sup, good to see ya. Yep, they all told me you were as cool as a cucumber.
That’s cause I am a cucumber. But if you think I’m cool, I’m here for it. Oh, there is no denying you’re the coolest. But what makes cucumbers so cool? Having a cool name helps. You know, it’s fun to say CUBECUMBER.
I taste good and I’m good for you. Us cukes are loaded with nutrients to fight off disease and cancerous cells, and keep your eyes and skin looking fantastic. I’m a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin C and K, and other good stuff.
I’m also 95% pure H2O. I’ve got enough water to keep you hydrated and feeling great. Ooh. You could say I’m a very fine veggie. But you’re actually not a vegetable. You’re a fruit. What? Whoa, what’s going on?
Uh, a car just drove into our studio. Cool. The Cucumber, I’ve come to warn you. Sup, Pickle. I’m in the middle of something. Come sit. No, you don’t understand. I’m in a pickle. I mean, I am a pickle.
But also, you’re in a pickle, as in, I’m you from the future. Great Scott. Oh, please. How could I, a cool cucumber, turn into you, a sour little pickle? I’m actually Dale, but that’s beside the point.
We need to talk now. Well, that’s what I am doing. I’m talking to the narrator. Where were we? I was about to ask some thought-provoking questions, like, how does a cucumber become a pickle? How can pickles be a lifesaver?
And did you know that you can make pickles right at home? Whoa. I’m telling you, we don’t have time for this. Be cool, man. Be cool. We’ve got plenty of time. Yep, plenty of time for another whiff of science and history on Health Smarted.
Who’s smarted? Who’s smart? Is it you? Is it me? Is it science or history? Listen up. Everyone, we make smarting lots of fun on who’s smarted. Hey, smarty families. In particular, the parents and adults listening.
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In each episode, Ramit helps couples stop fighting over money, improve communication, simplify budgeting, manage debt, and start building a shared financial future. Money for Couples offers real, actionable advice with stories from real couples facing the same financial challenges.
might be dealing with. Like a recent episode I heard about a couple that was constantly in debt because one of them couldn’t stop spending money and avoided talking about it. Ramit approaches each situation without judgment but rather with good solid advice on how to educate yourself about money and build better financial habits.
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Okay smarty pants I’m here with a cucumber and a pickle which may or may not be one and the same. Huh? But how does that happen? How does a cool, crispy cucumber, like the one you might enjoy sliced up in a salad or dunked into a dip, turn into a juicy pickle, which you might top your hamburger with, or chop into relish and put on your hot dog?
It may be hard to believe that they’re the same vegetable or fruit, since, scientifically, that’s what cucumbers and pickles are. Listen, Tien, I’m not seeing a connection. There’s no way I become that.
No offense, pickle, but we’re just too different. But I am you from the future. I can prove it. Our family, you and I, we’re both from the Gord family. Our relatives are melons, squash, and pumpkins.
And our ancestors, our ancestors are the same. Smarty Pants, do you know what country was the first to grow cucumbers? Is it A, India, B, China, or C, Spain? Cucumber and pickle, what do you think? That’s correct.
Did you guess that too, Smarty Pants? People in India have grown cucumbers for thousands of years, even before written history. And from there, the cucumbers spread to Western Asia and then to Europe.
And do you know who brought cucumbers to America? Smarty Pants, do you know? Was it A, the pilgrims, B, Christopher Columbus, or C, famous explorer, Amerigo Vespucci? Amerigo Vespucci, which is where the name America comes from, was once called a pickle dealer.
Before becoming an explorer, he worked as a ship chandler, which means he stocked ships with pickled foods. The first cucumbers to go to the Americas were pickles. Whoa. But Vespucci was not the first person to bring cucumbers to the Americas.
No. That person was B, Christopher Columbus. He brought pickles there and then planted cucumbers in Haiti for his return ships. You see, sailors love cucumbers, since they’re known to prevent scurvy, a deadly disease caused by a lack of vitamin C.
Cucumbers actually saved lives. Whoa. That’s pretty cool, dude. If cucumbers are so amazing, why would sailors turn them into pickles for the journey? Uh, I’m afraid to say, could it be the taste? Whoa, not cool, dude.
What do you think, smarty pants? True or false? People started pickling foods because they loved the taste of them. The answer is false. While many people go crazy over the mouthwatering taste of a pickle, pickling originally started off as a way to keep food from going bad.
You see, back when pickling started, there was no such thing as a refrigerator to keep foods fresh. People discovered that foods soaked in an acidic liquid didn’t spoil, because the acid prevents bacteria from harming the food.
The acid in vinegar works well, and vinegar is often used to pickle foods. Salty water, called brine, also works. Travelers could take these pickled meats and vegetables on long voyages across the ocean.
Ahoy, I see land. Thank goodness. We’re almost out of pickles. So tell me, when do you think pickling began? Was it A, 800 years ago, B, around 2,000 years ago, or C, around 4,000 years ago? If you guessed C, you’re right.
The ancient Mesopotamians, in what is now Iraq, are believed to be the first people to pickle food. Hey, cucumber, I have an idea. Let’s take my time machine back to ancient Mesopotamia. Not so fast, dude.
I’m chilling here. And honestly, I still don’t see how you and I are the same person. I’m telling you, we have the same family ancestry. We even have the same bumps on our skin. And those nutrients you have, I have those too.
In fact, because the pickling process removes water, I have a higher concentration of vitamins, calcium, and potassium. But I also contain a lot of salt. Too much salt and cool. Will you just come with me?
Chillax, dude. I’m being interviewed. Don’t worry. I won’t be visiting a pickling plant any time soon. So I’m cool. Oh, you don’t have to go someplace special to be pickled. No? Nope. You can pickle foods right in your own home.
Whoa. You hear that? Cucumber. We got to go. Patience. Let’s hear what trusty narrator has to say. Pickling is actually quite easy, and Smarty Pants, you can try it, too. Ooh. With the help of an adult.
Okay, first, take a glass jar and put some cucumbers and spices in it. Dill seed is a popular spice for pickles, so I’ll use that. Hey, cucumber, would you be cool with climbing into this jar? Sure, no problemo.
But, but, but… Relax, dude. I got this. Okay, so now you have your cucumbers in the jar. With the help of an adult, mix together vinegar, water, and salt, and heat them on a stove. Check today’s Who Smarted newsletter or our blog on the website to get the exact amounts you need for this recipe.
Once the acidic solution is boiling, pour it over the cucumber, nearly filling the jar. Yo, that feels good, like a nice hot bath. Yeah, well, it’s good for cucumbers, but be careful, smarty pants. This is too hot for your skin.
Yeah, I think I’m gonna like this. Get out, cucumber! Get out! Relax. Next, you screw the lid on tight and let the jar cool to room temperature on a counter before putting it into a refrigerator. Then you just wait until the cucumber becomes a pickle.
That’s right. Normally, it takes a few days for a truly delicious pickle flavor to develop. So, smarty pants, you’ll have to be patient before eating yours. However, thanks to the magic of podcasts, our pickle will be ready right after this quick break.
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And now, back to Who Smarted. Okay, we’re ready to open our pickle jar. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You know, before we do that, true or false, cucumbers are the only food you can pickle. The answer, false.
There are lots of other foods that you can pickle. Can you think of any smarty pants? Go ahead, shout them out. Believe it or not, historians don’t think that cucumbers were the first thing the ancient Mesopotamians pickle.
Huh? Nope, that might not have happened until centuries later. Which means the act of pickling something came before there were actual pickles. Whoa. Instead, fish was a very popular pickle dish. Ah.
But you can also pickle strawberries, beets, sausage, carrots, eggs, watermelon rinds, and of course, peppers. But if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Thank you, thank you. Can we move on? Right, of course, when you say pickle, you usually mean the cucumber type. So let’s open our jar and meet our new pickle. Dude, that bath was amazing. I feel like a new…
Yikes, I’m a pickle. I know, you’re me. Just like you warned me. I tried. Wow, I really am in a pickle. We both are. It’s not so bad. So you’re both tasty looking, mouth-watering pickles. Oh boy, I gotta try one of you.
Ooh. You’ll just take the pickle that warned me about becoming a pickle. Mm, delicious. I should have listened. Wait, the time machine. I can go back to the start of the show and save my cucumber self.
Yes, that’s it. I hope this works. Uh, he left before I could put him on my burger. That’s cool. He’ll be back. A double shout out to Jackson and Caroline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who wrote and said, we love who smarted.
It’s always super funny and makes us laugh. Plus, we learn something new every episode. We love you. Aw, well, we loved reading that. And we’re so happy to have you smarting with us. This episode, Pickling, was written by Dave Baudry and voiced by Chris Okawa, Adam Tex-Davis, and Jerry Colber.
Technical direction and sound design by Josh Hahn. Who Smarted is recorded and mixed at the Relic Room Studios. Our associate producer is Max Kamaski. The theme song is by Brian Suarez with lyrics written and performed by Adam Tex-Davis.
Who Smarted was created and produced by Adam Tex-Davis and Jerry Colber. This has been an Atomic Entertainment production. Who Smarted is recorded and produced by Adam Tex-Davis and Jerry Colber.