Which came first, Lemonade or Iced Tea?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Psst, hey, smarty pants, summer is here. And it’s another beautiful sunny day in Smartyville. The birds are tweeting. The breeze is breezing. And the water balloons are finding their unsuspecting targets.
You know what? On a hot summer day, I don’t even mind getting a little w

What causes a Geyser?
Ah! Will you look at that, Emma? I see, Frank. It’s incredible. Psst. Hey, smarty pants. I’m at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, standing near one of its most popular attractions, a powerful geyser known for shooting water 180 feet, or 55 meters, up into the air.
That is almost as high as Disney’s Cinderella Castle

What events were in the very first Olympics?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarty? Ugh! Psst! Hey! Smarty Pants! Hey there! Trusty Narrator here! At my local track and field, getting some exercise. Phew! Phew! Phew! I just finished one lap! Phew!
Phew! Hey! Smarty Pants! If my goal was to run a mile, how many laps would I have to run around the track? Is it A? B? 2? B? 4

Trusty Trivia: RABBITS!!!
Hey smarty families, in particular the parents and adults listening. If there’s one thing we all have in common, it’s navigating the world of money. I hate to say it, but money is the number one thing that people in relationships argue over.
Yet, money is also something most people have a hard time communicating about. Which

What makes your eyes turn red in a Swimming Pool?
And now it’s time for who’s smarted. Hey, Smarty Pants. It sure is a hot day in Smartyville, and I’m guessing you probably can figure out where I’m at. Cannonball! That’s right, Smarty Pants. I’m at a swimming pool, but where I really need to be is in a swimming pool.
Okay, here I go. Ah, the water is