Trusty Trivia: GREEK GODS!!!

Hey parents, trust your narrator here and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who’s Smarted called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes.
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Hello, smarty pants. Welcome to Trusty Trivia Thursday. Today, we’re ascending Mount Olympus to mingle with the mighty and mystical Greek gods. Before we begin today’s episode of Trusty Trivia, I want to give a couple of long distance shout outs to some smarty fans around the world.
First, we have Rico and Rui listening to Who’s Smarted in Japan. They wrote to tell us who’s smarted is funny, and we get to learn. We always listen at night. That’s great to hear. Of course, your night is my morning, but no matter what time it is, I’m happy to smart with you.
And then I want to say, hey smarty pants, to smarty fan Leila in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She wrote to say, best podcast ever. Interesting and funny. I will listen to Who’s Smarted until I’m in college.
Oh, that’s great to hear, Leila. And we’re happy to fill your head with knowledge right until you go to college. Now let’s unravel the myths and truths of ancient deities. First question. Who is the king of the Greek gods known for his powerful thunderbolt?
Is it A, Zeus, B Poseidon, or C, Hades? Did you choose A, majestically correct? Zeus is the ruler of the Olympian gods and is famous for his Thunderbolt, symbolizing his power over sky and thunder. Next question.
Which Greek goddess emerged full grown and armored from Zeus’s forehead? Was it A, Hera, B, Athena, or C, Aphrodite? Did you choose B? Wise choice. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, famously sprang from Zeus’s head, fully grown and dressed for battle.
Last question. Which god is known as the messenger of the gods, renowned for his speed and his wing sandals? Is it A, Hermes, B? B. Apollo, or C. Dionysus. Did you pick A? Swiftly Spotted. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, known for his quick movements, winged sandals, and his role as a guide for souls to the underworld.
Well done, smartypants. You soared through the skies of mythology and landed among the legends. Hungry for more epic tales? Explore our episodes about ancient civilizations and mythological stories in the Who Smarted Archives, including our episode on The Greek Gods.
Thanks for joining, smartypants. Your curiosity is as boundless as the realms of the Greek gods. Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures on next week’s trusty trivia. Hi, trusty here with a special message for all the parents and guardians listening.
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Hey, smarty family. Trusty here with a mouthwatering deal you’re going to love. As we head into summer and Father’s Day, I can’t help remembering good times standing around the barbecue grilling with my dad.
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I also put the link in the show notes. Happy summer, Happy Father’s Day, and happy eating. Who smarted?