Alligator vs Crocodile: The Main Differences – Eyes, Teeth & Who Would Win in a Fight | Who Smarted?

Speaker 1 0:00
Hey there, smarty fans, especially parents and educators, we’ve got something special for you. And it’s not just another exciting episode of Who Smarted?, it’s a chance for you to help shape the future of our show. We’re on a mission to make Who Smarted?, even better for both our brilliant young listeners and their amazing parents and educators. That’s why we’re inviting you to participate in our exclusive first ever Who Smarted? survey to let us know what’s working and where we can improve. So parents and educators, grab a cup of your favorite beverage. Cozy up and take a few minutes to fill out our survey, head over to and click survey. Together. Let’s make who’s smarter the best it can be. Thanks for being an awesome part of our smarting community. And remember, the survey is at who’s Just click survey. Smarty Pants, I’m meeting up with my old dinosaur hunting buddy, Robert maroon for another adventure. Today, we’re in the wild tracking an animal that’s been around since the dinosaur. See if you can guess what it is. It’s long and low to the ground with short, stumpy legs. It’s got a huge mouth with a super powerful jaw filled with sharp, jagged teeth. And they’re equally at home on land and in the water. And he guesses Did you say the alligator?
Speaker 2 1:30
Or perhaps you said crocodile night?
Speaker 1 1:33
Either way. You’re right. If you remember our episode on dinosaur relatives, we mentioned both alligators and crocodiles haven’t changed much over the past 150 million years. So the crocodiles roaming around most of the southern United States look exactly like the crocodiles that the dinosaurs used to see.
Speaker 2 1:53
Except it’s the alligator that’s roaming most of the southern US, not the crocodile.
Speaker 1 1:59
Either way, what we’re doing is very dangerous. Alligators have been known to attack people. So if you see one of these green skin creatures slithering or swimming towards you, or even anywhere near you. It’s best to stay away.
Speaker 2 2:20
Actually, crocodiles are the green ones. Well, more all of her 10 Alligators are black or gray. And crocs are more likely to attack though you still don’t want to mess with a Gyda I’d stay away from both. Look. There’s one now
Speaker 1 2:37
One what? An alligator or a crocodile?
Speaker 2 2:40
Now’s our chance. Quick. Follow me.
Speaker 1 2:43
But you just said to stay away.
Speaker 2 2:45
Now Todd for chit chat night this way. Oh, hora.
Speaker 1 2:52
What’s wrong? Is there a crocodile or alligator in this playground? Run kids run?
Speaker 2 2:57
Now? Look right in the center. It’s a crock.
Speaker 1 3:01
You mean the crocodile sprinkler shooting water out of its mouth? Yeah, we ran through the jungle to see a crocodile sprinkling. It’s a better way to point out what makes a crocodile without getting eaten. Okay, well, look. It’s a crock. You said that already.
Speaker 2 3:19
Now. I mean, they got it all wrong,
Speaker 1 3:21
because it’s wearing sunglasses.
Speaker 2 3:23
Now. Look at the sign above it.
Speaker 1 3:25
Yeah, it says one cool Croc.
Speaker 2 3:28
But it ain’t a crocodile. Look at its snout and teeth. It’s clearly a Gaida. That’s it. We’re going to find some real alligators.
Speaker 1 3:38
You mean crocodiles?
Speaker 2 3:39
Those two but first, let’s get some ice cream. It’s a scorcher to vanilla cones. Please. You mind paying for it? I left my wallet in the jeep.
Speaker 1 3:50
Sure. Okay, smarty pants, while maroon eats his ice cream. I’ve got three questions for you. How can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? Where can you find each of them? And why are these dangerous creatures so important to our world? It’s time for another whiff of science on SMART. SMART. SMART does it give me is it science or history? Every one smarting. Lots of fun. Smart. Hey, smarty pants. We’re standing on a dock waiting for a ride to take us through the habitat of one of nature’s most dangerous creatures. The crocodile alligator. Hang on. Smarty Pants. Are you thinking the same thing I am. Aren’t Crocs and gators basically the same? They’re both huge reptiles with big jaws, lots of teeth. They live on land and in water. And they’ve been around since the Dinos so why is it such a big deal what we call it
Speaker 2 4:58
all that may be true may A lot of people mix them up. But the fact is, they’re very different creatures. And most times, they don’t even live together. So, you’re in Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, or as far as Eastern China. And you say to me, see you later, alligator. How should I respond?
Speaker 1 5:20
In a wild crocodile?
Speaker 2 5:21
No, I’d say who roommate? Who roommate?
Speaker 1 5:25
I don’t think anyone says that in China
Speaker 2 5:27
now, but they shouldn’t be saying anything about crocodiles either. Well, those States and China have heaps of alligators. There aren’t any crocs there. Now, say you’re in Africa, Southeast Asia, South or Central America, or my native Australia. And you want to say goodbye? What would you say? I have no idea. Repeat after me. You two Smarties. Ready? You’d say who might say tomorrow?
Speaker 1 5:57
Who roommate See you tomorrow to be charged
Speaker 2 5:59
say in a royal crocodile. See in those parts of the world. You can’t say See you later alligator. Because the right now gators, but there is crux. Fun fact, there’s only one place in the entire world where you can find both crocodiles and alligators.
Speaker 1 6:20
Smarty Pants Can you guess the one spot in the world where alligators and crocodiles live together? Here’s a hit. It’s in the southernmost state in the United States of America. Did you say Florida?
Speaker 2 6:32
Good on you mate, South Florida to be exact in the wild wetlands known as the Everglades. Which happens to be where we are. I asked my reptile expert cousin Allie to take us on a tour in her airboat.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 6:51
Hi, Ellie. Hey, maroon. Y’all ready to see some Crocs and gators? Let’s do it to it.
Speaker 1 7:00
So, wait, you two are cousins.
Speaker 2 7:02
Yeah. What sounds strange. No, it’s
Speaker 1 7:05
just you’re very Australian. And she’s very flirty.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 7:09
Bless your heart, maroon, and I’ve distant relatives. Our family split more than 100 years ago, when my great grandparents moved to America. And he stayed in Australia.
Speaker 2 7:20
That’s kind of like what happened with alligators and crocodiles, except their family split 80 million years ago before the dinosaurs went extinct. These creatures don’t change much over time, which is why they’re so similar.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 7:36
But with the train die, you can tell them apart. Now, look at that alligator resting on a log over there. You see it’s now
Speaker 1 7:49
that big long thing with teeth. Yes, I see it and I’m glad it’s way over there.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 7:54
Well, an alligator snout is broad, round and U shaped. And when its mouth is closed, you can see only its upper teeth. That’s because it’s lower jaw is a little bit smaller than its upper.
Speaker 2 8:08
On the other hand, a crocodile has a longer narrower snout that’s more pointed and V shaped. Its upper and lower jaws are about the same size. So when crocs mouth is closed, you see some bottom teeth to it kind of gives an evil smile and no sharp teeth. They don’t fit you in my
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 8:27
that’s one thing Crocs and gators have in common. They use their teeth to bite into animals and hold them. Sometimes they tear their food into smaller chunks. But most times they’ll just swallow their prey home.
Speaker 1 8:41
Yeah, I think I’ll stay far away. What do they eat?
Speaker 2 8:45
All kinds of things from eating big fish to great big buffalo. And, yeah, the occasional human.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 8:53
Here’s the cool thing. You know how you lose your baby teeth and grow adult teeth. But if you lose an adult tooth, that’s it. It’s gone. crocodiles and alligators have an unlimited number of teeth. So if one pops out, another one grows in over and over again.
Speaker 1 9:12
Wonderful. Can we talk about something other than their terrifying teeth? Where are the crocodiles anyways? I’m only seeing alligators here.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 9:20
That’s because we’re in freshwater sweetie. gators love it. Freshwater is found in rivers, lakes and streams. Crocodiles can live in freshwater, but they prefer saltier waters that can be found in bass, coves and some swamps. The Everglades is a special place because it has both freshwater and saltwater. Oh, head towards the saltwater now. Can you guess where the salt comes from?
Speaker 1 9:51
Smarty Pants? Can you guess what gives the Everglades its saltwater? Is it a the Gulf of Mexico be Florida’s largest lake Okeechobee. Do you see the Pacific Ocean? Or a D a giant shaker of salt.
Speaker 2 10:05
The ocean does have heaps of salt water me, but the Pacific is nowhere near Florida.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 10:11
I reckon some of your smarty pants remember me saying freshwater can be found in lakes, and Lake Okeechobee is full of freshwater.
Speaker 1 10:20
Which means the answer is the Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 10:24
Crocodiles are often found in swamps and other salty waters near the Gulf along the south Florida coast. Look at see one over yonder.
Speaker 2 10:33
Crickey. Look at that long, narrow snout and those big shots, upper and lower teeth. Nasty things you can easily imagine those digging into your leg. Ain’t that right? Narrator?
Speaker 1 10:48
I’m trying not to imagine that. Are we safe here? Didn’t you say earlier that crocodiles are more likely to attack,
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 10:55
relax, I know how to keep us safe. That’s important to remember. Never ever go near an alligator or crocodile without a trained expert like myself. Also, while the crocodile is known to attack humans in Africa, and Australia, over here in the States, there are a lot less aggressive. In fact, in Florida, it’s an alligator that’s more likely to attack you. But that doesn’t happen often.
Speaker 1 11:22
I’m still keeping my distance.
Speaker 2 11:24
No to all these talks about alligator and crocodile attacks makes me wonder who would win in a fight between them? Who’s the better beast?
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 11:34
That’s a toughy. But I’d have to say
Speaker 1 11:37
hold on hon. Smarty Pants. Can you guess who would win in a fight an alligator or a crocodile? The answer is right after this quick break. Hey, Smarties trusty Narrator here. I had a unique challenge recently, I needed to learn German for a friend’s wedding in just a few weeks. That’s when I found babble. Thanks to babble. I’m well on my way to holding my own in German conversations than just in time for the wedding. Babble makes learning a new language engaging and practical. It’s not just about words. It’s about real conversations that you can actually use. And here’s a special deal for our listeners. Right now, get 55% off your Babel subscription, but only for our slash smart it. Get 55% off at ID.
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Speaker 3 (Ellie) 14:10
They don’t really fight much. I but let’s say they did if they did five crocodiles are usually larger and more aggressive and alligators so I’d say the crocodile.
Speaker 2 14:22
Oh, you owe me and I screen Narrator did we even bet.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 14:28
Of course. There’s one beast that’s a huge threat to gators and crocs
Speaker 1 14:34
smarty pants do you know shout out your guesses. I heard rhinos, hippos, pythons. Godzilla.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 14:45
So, what is humans? Humans hunt Crocs and gators so much. Both families are in danger. Even though they’ve been around millions of years. Recent laws have cut back on hunting, but many still do it illegally. Now not to mention, when developers build on wetlands, they destroy the habitat of alligators and crocodiles.
Speaker 2 15:06
A shame considering they do so much for the world.
Speaker 1 15:09
They do. I thought they were just mean and scary.
Speaker 2 15:12
Leeson might take the Nile crocodile one of the nastiest creatures on the earth, it actually helps the environment by eating the rivers catfish with their crocodiles, then cat fish will eat up many of the other fish that the birds rely on for food. Some 40 bird species would starve without the crocodile and gators here in the states also keep the animal population stable. Plus, they dig holes and trails that end up becoming homes to fish and marine life, which are food for many animals, including humans.
Speaker 3 (Ellie) 15:45
We should all be grateful these creatures exist. Well made it back safely. Later gators
Speaker 1 15:53
in a wild crocodile
Speaker 2 15:54
who rude to you.
Speaker 1 15:57
A big shout out to Amelia Yano and Isabella in Hammond, Indiana. Thanks so much for listening to who’s smarter while eating breakfast. Pass the cereal please. This episode gators versus crocs was written by Dave Beaudry and voiced by Brandon Bayless, Sophie Plitt. And this guy Jerry Coleman, technical direction and Sound Design by Josh Hahn, Who Smarted? is recorded and mixed at the relic room studios. Our associate producer is max come ASCII. The theme song is by Brian Suarez with lyrics written and performed by Adam Davis, who started was created and produced by Adam Tex Davis and Jerry Colbert. This isn’t atomic entertainment production.
Speaker 4
Hey there Smarty fans, especially parents and educators, we’ve got something special for you. And it’s not just another exciting episode of whose smart ID it’s a chance for you to help shape the future of our show. We’re on a mission to make Who Smarted? even better for both our brilliant young listeners and their amazing parents and educators. That’s why we’re inviting you to participate in our exclusive first ever Who Smarted? survey to let us know what’s working and where we can improve. So parents and educators grab a cup of your favorite beverage cozy up and take a few minutes to fill out our survey, head over to who’s and click survey. Together. Let’s make who’s smarter the best it can be. Thanks for being an awesome part of our smarting community. And remember, the survey is at who’s Just click survey