Trusty Trivia: SPACE!!!


Hello smartypants and welcome to Trusty Trivia Thursday. Today we’re blasting off into the vast expanse of space. Before we begin Trusty Trivia, a big shout out to Noah in Plano, Texas, who said they love smarting with who’s smarted because, quote, it teaches important things in a way I can understand, unquote.

Oh, and another big shout out to smarty fans, Vera and Vincent in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who think who’s smarted is awesome and fun. Well, thanks Noah, Vera, and Vincent. I am so happy to have you all smarting with me and all your friends at who’s smarted.

And now let’s launch into some out of this world questions about space. First question, what is the largest planet in our solar system? Is it A, Earth, B, Jupiter, or C, Saturn? Going with B, absolutely correct.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system with a diameter of about 86 ,881 miles. Next question, what force keeps the planets in orbit around the sun? Is it A, magnetism, B, gravity, or C, wind?

Did you choose B, spot on. Gravity is the force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun, holding the solar system together. Last question, which planet is known as the red planet? Is it A, Mars, B, Venus, or C, Mercury?

Did you choose A, exactly right? Mars is known as the red planet due to its reddish appearance, which is caused by iron oxide, also known as rust, on the surface. Fantastic job, smarty pants. You’ve navigated through the cosmic wonders of space.

Be sure to join us next Thursday for more stellar trivia and discoveries. Oh, wanna learn more about the universe? Don’t miss our space episode in the who’s smarted archives. Thanks for playing smarty pants.

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