What’s the difference between a Hero, a Hoagie & a Submarine Sandwich?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarty? Psst, hey, Smarty Pants, trusty narrator here. I don’t know about you, but I love lunch, and breakfast, and dinner, but especially lunch. And especially when I’m visiting friends in a new city.
That’s because I get to try out familiar foods at new places. Who wants meat c

Where was the first School?
And now, it’s time for who’s smarted. Psst, hey, smarty pants, see if you can guess where I am. That give it away. In case it didn’t, I’m in a building where kids go to learn about different subjects like math, social studies, science, reading, writing, and gym.
Did you say I’m at a school? If so, good job.

Trusty Trivia: ELEPHANTS!!!
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What are Marshmallows made of?
And now it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Psst, howdy smarty panthers. Grab a seat by the campfire and join me for some treats. Now, if you listen to our episode on camping, you might remember my good friend Robert Maroon told us all about camping and then ate all the marshmallows.
Luckily, Maroon is busy surfing with alligators t

Why were some Dinosaurs Herbivores?
Ahh! Dinosaurs!
Hey, smarty pants, I’m very excited to meet up with some of my dino pals. There’s Stegosaurus Sieve, Denny Diplodocus, and Tracy Triceratops. Whoa! Watch those horns, Trace!
Oops, sometimes I forget my own size.
Well, you are nearly the size of a school bus. 9 .8 feet tall and al