Are Capybaras just giant Guinea Pigs?
And now it’s time for Who Smarted?
Narrator: Psst, hey, Smarty Pants, I’m pretty excited because today I’m meeting a new friend named Captain Barry or at least, I think that’s what they said on the phone. I wasn’t getting good reception, and I was in a noisy room.
Anyway, he described himself as large, h

Was money always coins & paper bills?
Penny: Hello? Can anybody see me? I’m down here. Hello? Oh, I think somebody’s going to pick me up. Finally, yes and no. What do you got to do to get noticed in this town? Oh, there’s somebody who looks curious. Hello? You who, look down.
Narrator: Oh, look, a penny on the ground.
Penny: They say if you pick me up

Who Came up with Mystery Game, Clue?
Trusty: Hey Smarty Pants, see if you can guess what board game I’m playing. First, I’m going to roll, 10. Now I have to decide which direction I want to move. Should I go to the dining room or the kitchen? Let’s try the kitchen. Why? Because I think it was Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the, Hmm, I’m not sure. What a

What Are Crayons Made Of?
Narrator: Hey Smarty Pants, quick question. Do you like to draw?
Speaker 2: All right, partner, you count 10 paces, turn and draw.
Narrator: No, I don’t mean draw like in the old west. I meant drawing like a picture.
Speaker 2: That’s what I meant too. Go 10 pace

How Did Lewis & Clark Become Famous American Explorers?
Narrator: Hey, Smarty Pants. Guess where I am. Did you say Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the year 1803? Wow! Great guess. Also, how’d you know that? Are you psychic Anyway, whether you guessed it or not doesn’t matter. The fact is I’m about to join two of America’s most famous adventurers on one of the most