What are Pretzels made of?
Psst, hey, smarty pants, I’m in a monastery in Europe during the Middle Ages, around the year 610. Here, religious people, called monks, spend most of their days in silent prayer and meditation. Monks would also help the poor, care for the sick, and educate children.
Many were skilled at farming and baking, and by some accounts, th

Did the earliest Underwear only cover the front?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Psst, hey, smarty pants, as you can hear from the music, I’m not in a very cool department store, in a not very cool mall. But hey, the prices can’t be beat. Let’s see, they got boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, super supportive ultra -compression butt -shaping mantites.

What makes the Florida Everglades so amazing?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Psst, hey, smarty pants, trusty narrator here. Before you try to guess where I am right now, based on the background noises, let me give you a few hints. Ready? First hint, where I am is located in Southern Florida, which, fun fact, is my actual home state here in the United States.

Why does your Body act so…Weird?
Hey, smarty pants, are you up for an adventure? No, not to get lunch. I’m about to shrink myself down and embark on an expedition to discover weird, bodily substances. That’s right, through the magic of podcasting and narration, you’ll get to join me on my yuckiest, gooiest, what the heckiest adventure yet.
You ready to

How did Hot Dogs get their name?
And now, it’s time for Who’s Smarted. Hey, smarty pants, it’s me, the trusty narrator. Today, I’m in Central Park playing Frisbee with my pal and Who’s Smarted News reporter, Chad Nickerson. We just finished playing, but it seems he forgot to give me back my Frisbee.
Heads up, trusty!