Were Parachutes Invented Before Airplanes
Commercial: Hey parents, Trusty Narrator here and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who Smarted? called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes. We even snuck some secret math into each episode, including the title of the show. If your kid likes to laugh and le

What Causes Climate Change?
Commercial: Hey parents, Trusty Narrator here and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who Smarted? called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes. We even snuck some secret math into each episode, including the title of the show. If your kid likes to laugh and le

How Was Earth Formed?
Commercial: Hey parents, Trusty Narrator here and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who Smarted? called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes. We even snuck some secret math into each episode, including the title of the show. If your kid likes to laugh and le

Who invented the game of Chess?
Hey parents, trust your narrator here and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who’s Smarted called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes.
We even snuck some secret math into each episode, including the title of the show. If your kid likes to laugh

Which came first, Escalators or Elevators?
Hey, parents! Trust your narrator here, and I’m super excited to tell you about a brand new podcast from the creators of Who’s Smarted, called Mysteries About True Histories. It’s full of adventure, riddles, jokes.
We even snuck some secret math into each episode, including the title of the show. If your kid likes to la